"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Why we exist:
We spring into daily action seeking to find the root causes of disengagement in the classroom, poor grades and the dropout epidemic; and to impact change, one student at a time.
How we define leadership:
We believe that leadership is taking initiative, communicating and following through.
What sustainability means to us:
We believe in fearless empathy and empowering as a way of building a more sustainable community.
Sustainability is giving every voice the power to create real impact, empowering the community to come together in unity of purpose.
Taking a victorious breath:
In our efforts to help students find less stress and more success, prior to our transformational tutoring or mindful mentoring sessions, students take a deep "victorious" breath as a way to release stress and optimistically prepare for personal growth through the session.
Where our energy comes from:
Our energy comes from our "One Community". Our community is comprised of teachers, students, agents of change, ambassadors, and community members who take deliberate and thoughtful action to impact the lives of scholars. Our rapidly evolving nature and empathy-based core energizes us to be as Gandhi said, "the change that we wish to see in the world".
What TYFBY and the art of high-fiving really means:
Staying positive everyday is not easy. It is a challenge. TYFBY or the phrase "Thank you for being you" is a way to recognize potential in others. We believe that, "potential is the light that we cannot see. As we allow ourselves to see the potential in others, we illuminate our own within." (Excerpt from TYFBY book project)
High-Fiving is a meditative and mindful exercise that helps students to build self-confidence, and grow in unconditional self-love. Done in pairs or alone via our app, each participant says five positive things about themselves beginning with "I am".
When we begin impacting:
Through creative vision, we utilize some of the best global education reform research to create local impact in the lives of our student community. We take a holistic approach in working for our students.
We do not believe that we should leave impacting for tomorrow. We always have a sense of urgency within our organization because we do not believe that our present and future student cohorts can wait.
Who holds power:
Our students hold major decision-making power. Students decide the direction of curriculums, utilize the teach-to-learn system and shape the future of and present of our STEM-for-all efforts.
How we help:
With your unswerving support, we provide empowerment, resources and experiential learning beyond the classroom to creatively help scholars achieve academic success throughout their lifetime.
You can help through our Automatic Awesomeness program, where you get tutored, mentored or take a class and a portion of our profits go to provide those same high-quality services to a low-income student for free and reduced cost.
How we walk the walk:
We are socially conscious, mission-based, student-centered and student-inspired.
We believe that student voices should guide and shape our programming, because their collective voice is our key to innovation.
We help our Agents of Change develop their own personal purpose plan and align ours with theirs.
Leadership staff help their supportive team members to develop proactive habits.
We have a culture that we call, the "Automatic Awesomeness" culture. This is where we embed personal growth and philanthropy as part of our fabric.
Our work community promotes health, wellness and personal development. - We support community access to yoga, museum trips, university visits, art and dance - just to name a few.
We encourage all staff members to voice/share and co-work on their own personal long-term project.
We embrace a growth mindset, believing that everyone has the potential for greatness and it is our collective responsibility to inspire each other to achieve the seemingly impossible.
Our overarching approach to innovation is inspired by the works of Tom & David Kelley, Stanford D.School
Our rapidly evolving nature and empathy-based core energizes us to be as Gandhi said, "the change that we wish to see in the world".